Funai Post-UTME 2018/2019 Result
This is to announce to the general public that Funai Post-UTME Screening Exercise for 2018/2019 academic session result is now out.
Candidates who participated in Funai Post-UTME can access their result from the university Website: from Wednesday, 15th August, 2018.
How To Check Funai Post-UTME 2018/2019
Follow the steps below to access Funai Post-UTME result
1. Visit :
2. Hover on admission to drop down menu
4. Enter your jamb Registration number in the space provided ,select your result batch and press longin.
5. Proceed to the bank to make payment with the invoice generated
6. Obtain from the bank etranzact confirmation pin number
7. Repeat step 1,2,3 and 4
8. Enter the confirmation pin number obtained from the bank and click submit
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